Monday, December 6, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Ryan Terry Mister International 2010
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We all believe that a winner is not only just about having atheltic body and healthy lifestyle but also a passion to create a better world by take a good care of our mother earth. Opened the day with environmental education from Tetra Pak, the world’s leading food packaging company, all of the contestants of Mister Internationall 2010 showed their commitment to the earth. In this class, they were given a time to discuss about environmental issues in their countries, how it could affect this earth and how to solve the problem. Based on their true acts and commitments, Mister Namibia, Mister Pakistan, Mister Belgium, Mister Australia, and Mister Great Britain were chosen as The Best Environmentalists. Moreover, to show their commitment to the public, each of them wrote a pledge on a piece of paper and tapped it on a big world map. It means, 40 pledges to make a better living has just being made! All contestants also been trained to reduce and recycle carton waste, like we all know, we are surrounded by food and beverages that use carton packaging. Continued with L-Men product knowledge, their nutrition during this pageant, Mister International 2010 candidates had a chance to try L-Men Hi Protein 2 GO, the latest product of L-Men that is practical, and specially formulated to shape athletic body and meet the nutritional needs of men. After that, they prepared themselves to have a trip to Bali! Some of them were so excited to go to this beautiful island, which they only knew about from television, magazine and movies. Sure they will have a blast experience in Bali! But before leaving Jakarta, they took time to write motivational cards for Thallasemia kids whom they will meet when they come back to Jakarta. Tery Ryan Mister International 2010 - On 20 November last, Nutrifood through the famous product in Indonesia, L-Men, Nutrition for men the mysteries of the International Pageant held elections in 2010 which was won by ryan terry. And I dsini provides a collection of photos ryan terry to you all. The event was held for the fifth time it was held by the Mister Singapore Organization. This event runs from 8 to 22 November 2010 in three major cities in Indonesia, namely Jakarta, Bandung, Bali, and participated by more than 40 participating countries from around the world. After nearly two weeks attending various events during the Pageant period, the top event is Mister International 2010 Coronation Night was held on November 20, 2010. Located in Central Park Ballroom, the event was enlivened by the appearance of Kris Kristofferson, Rini Idol, Percussion Duo, Avenged Kendang archipelago, and is guided by Steny Agustaf and Cathy Sharon. "Implementation of Mister International 2010 Pageant is a male activity that campaigned for a healthy life, but this activity is important for Indonesia to show as a destination is feasible and safe within the framework of organizing an international event. Nation Indonesia appreciates the confidence of participants who remain present at this event, although news about the disaster in Indonesia, namely in the Mentawai (West Sumatra) and Merapi (Central Java), very intense, "says Reko Astuti Esty, Director of the Directorate-General Marketing Support Campaign, which represents the Minister of Culture and Tourism Jero Wacik opened the event. "This event provides a decent picture and promotion of Indonesia, in particular destinations, objects, and other tourist attraction and MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Convention and Exhibition), considering the event was attended by participants from foreign countries, and covered by various media from the inside and abroad. "To the L-Men, we appreciate the initiative and the implementation of this activity. And for all participants at the Mister International 2010 Let us strengthen Indonesia's position as an attractive tourism destinations of the world," said Esti. Several professional juries in their respective fields present provide an assessment to the konstentan. They are Richard Sambera (Editor in Chief of Men's Fitness), Fira Basuki (Chief Editor of Cosmopolitan), Angelique (Heaf of Marketing Communication Division Nutrifood), Zivanna Letisha (Miss Indonesia 2008 and Miss Indonesia Universe 2009), Christina Ramirez (Specialist Social Policy), Chris Chew (Fitness Consultants from Singapore), and Waloop Phrasophol (Director Masion Film from Thailand). The assessment process does not only happen on stage, but also from the first day quarantine until the night grand final. A series of quarantine activities are prepared to see the true personality of each participant. Ranging from outdoor activities and culture, appearance in public, as well as social activities, and environment. On the other hand, the contestants also showed his best performances on stage by wearing national costumes, ethnic themed clothing, swimwear, and formal wear. On the night grand final, contestants from 40 oang Mister International 2010 is filtered to 15 large, then the top 10 and eventually selected five large. Indonesia as host country for the first time, create new history by logging into the top five and earned the best national costume (Best National Costume) Mister International 2010. After going through the judging process, Ryan Terry of Great Britain was crowned Mister International 2010. Sash the winner is given directly by Bruno Kettels, Mister International 2009 and provides trophies to Ryan, who also earned a Best Body L-Men. After Terry, Lucius Caio Ribeiro of Brazil became the first runner-up, Maica Luis from Spain as a Runner Up second, Thomas Sebastian from Indonesia as the third-Runner Up, and Leo Sulai from Greece in late position. In addition, there are also some special titles such as Mister Photogenic achieved by Singapullige Yasitha Dilshan Perera of Sri Lanka and Mister Congeniality achieved Maynor Sandoval from Honduras. (NSA) Tery Ryan Mister International 2010 - On 20 November last, Nutrifood through the famous product in Indonesia, L-Men, Nutrition for men the mysteries of international election menggelr Pageant 2010 which was won by ryan terry. The event was held for the fifth time it was held by the Mister Singapore Organization. This event runs from 8 to 22 November 2010 in three major cities in Indonesia, namely Jakarta, Bandung, Bali, and participated by more than 40 participating countries from around the world. After nearly two weeks attending various events during the Pageant period, the top event is Mister International 2010 Coronation Night was held on November 20, 2010. Located in Central Park Ballroom, the event was enlivened by the appearance of Kris Kristofferson, Rini Idol, Percussion Duo, Avenged Kendang archipelago, and is guided by Steny Agustaf and Cathy Sharon. "Implementation of Mister International 2010 Pageant is a male activity that campaigned for a healthy life, but this activity is important for Indonesia to show as a destination is feasible and safe in view of the international event. Nation Indonesia appreciates the confidence of participants who remained present at this event, although news about the disaster in Indonesia, namely in the Mentawai (West Sumatra) and Merapi (Central Java), very intense, "says Reko Astuti Esty, Director of the Directorate-General Marketing Support Campaign, which represents the Minister of Culture and Tourism Jero Wacik opened the event. "This event provides a decent picture and promotion of Indonesia, in particular destinations, objects, and other tourist attraction and MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Convention and Exhibition), considering the event was attended by participants from foreign countries, and covered by various media from the inside and abroad. "To the L-Men, we appreciate the initiative and the implementation of this activity. And for all participants at the Mister International 2010 Let us strengthen Indonesia's position as an attractive tourism destinations of the world," said Esti. Several professional juries in their respective fields present provide an assessment to the konstentan. They are Richard Sambera (Editor in Chief of Men's Fitness), Fira Basuki (Chief Editor of Cosmopolitan), Angelique (Heaf of Marketing Communication Division Nutrifood), Zivanna Letisha (Miss Indonesia 2008 and Miss Indonesia Universe 2009), Christina Ramirez (Specialist Social Policy), Chris Chew (Fitness Consultants from Singapore), and Waloop Phrasophol (Director Masion Film from Thailand). The assessment process does not only happen on stage, but also from the first day quarantine until the night grand final. A series of quarantine activities are prepared to see the true personality of each participant. Ranging from outdoor activities and culture, appearance in public, as well as social activities, and environment. On the other hand, the contestants also showed his best performances on stage by wearing national costumes, ethnic themed clothing, swimwear, and formal wear. On the night grand final, contestants from 40 oang Mister International 2010 is filtered to 15 large, then the top 10 and eventually selected five large. Indonesia as host country for the first time, create new history by logging into the top five and earned the best national costume (Best National Costume) Mister International 2010. After going through the judging process, Ryan Terry of Great Britain was crowned Mister International 2010. Sash the winner is given directly by Bruno Kettels, Mister International 2009 and provides trophies to Ryan, who also earned a Best Body L-Men. After Terry, Lucius Caio Ribeiro of Brazil became the first runner-up, Maica Luis from Spain as a Runner Up second, Thomas Sebastian from Indonesia as the third-Runner Up, and Leo Sulai from Greece in late position. In addition, there are also some special titles such as Mister Photogenic achieved by Singapullige Yasitha Dilshan Perera of Sri Lanka and Mister Congeniality achieved Maynor Sandoval from Honduras. (NSA) And this is a collection of photos ryan terry
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Kemeja pria formal yang perkasa dan elegan
Formal shirt for a white man very impressive official and dashing paired with black slacks and a white tie would be an elegant and memorable perkasa.Kami currently rents a variety of men's shirts of cotton and cloth wipes, sizes from S to xl.Ada also color such as blue, yellow, orange, dark blue.
This shirt was exhibited by 17-year-old Egon.
Kemeja formal untuk pria berwarna putih sangat berkesan resmi dan gagah dipadukan dengan celana panjang warna hitam dan dasi putih akan berkesan elegan dan perkasa.Kami saat ini menyewakan berbagai macam kemeja pria dari bahan katun dan kain tisu,ukurannya dari S sampai xl.Ada juga warna lain seperti biru, kuning ,oranye,biru tua.
Kemeja ini diperagakan oleh Egon berumur 17 tahun.DIA Seorang atlet alam, ia adalah salah satu dari anak-anak yang selalu memainkan olahraga yang berbeda dan selalu tetap aktif. Karena ia masih kecil, orang tua dan teman-temannya mengatakan bahwa dia seorang pria tampan.Tingginya 170cm beratnya sekitar 55 kg
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Mengenakan toga saat hari yang dinantikan yaitu HARI WISUDA dimana kita telah menyelesaikan studi tentu sangat membanggakan,apalagi toga yang kita kenakan sangat nyaman dan indah .Dengan toga satin koleksi GEMILANG TOGA anda akan tampil cantik dan berwibawa bagi wisudawan BEGITU JUGA PARA SELEBRITI INDONESIA JUGA MEMILIH TOGA SATIN SAAT WISUDA MEREKA. Bahan GORDON dari kain satin yang mengkilap nyaman di pakai,di desain terpisah dari jubah toga memudahkan saat di kenakan serta mudah perawatannya . TOGA INI ADALAH TOGA YANG DI KENAKAN PARA WISUDAWAN DARI POLTIKES BANJARMASIN,STIA AMT DAN UNLAM BANJARMASIN.
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